• Sally Whytehead

    Sally Whytehead

    I recently retired and now my life is busier than ever! I have been playing the hammered dulcimer as an enthusiastic amateur since 1989, and have been a member of Nonsuch since its inception. Early on I developed an interest in all the wonderful versions of the dulcimer world-wide and have attended most of the ...

Job Description

  1. To chair committee meetings and the AGM of the Nonsuch Dulcimer Club.
  2. To set agendas for those meetings in consultation with committee members.
  3. To prepare an Annual Review of club activities.
  4. To ensure that the requirements of the Constitution are upheld.
  5. To sustain the momentum of club business.
  6. To maintain an overview of the workings of the club, seeking to promote inclusion and co-operation, whilst respecting the ideas and opinions of individuals.
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