Here are the results of our AGM 2020 Voting:
There were no actual posted ‘postal votes’, all results were by the online form.
Total Votes Cast: 45. Of of these ONE was disqualified as it was a
duplicate. All the others were OK and the voting codes filled in correctly.
- Sally Whytehead, Hilary Davies and Sandra Hudson have been unanimously appointed as trustees, 44 in favour, none against.
- Vote to accept the Annual Accounts 1/1/19 to 2/7/19 & 3/7/19 to 31/03/20: 44 in favour, none against.
- Vote to accept the Annual Report 3/7/19 to 31/03/20: 44 in favour, none against.
Thanks to our scrutineers Maureen and Colin Foxall.
The minutes of the AGM will be available shortly.