• Treasurer

    To maintain financial records, monitor income and expenditure and prepare accounts for approval.

  • Publicity Co-ordinator

    Currently under Review. To have an overview of the club's public image on behalf of the committee, maintain a publicity pack and advise members organising events on the best ways of publicising them.

  • Website Manager

    To develop and maintain the club's web-site, both the public view and the members only area

  • Events Co-ordinator

    To organise online events, including weekends and one-time events, and to coordinate online sessions as needed. To manage grants program for sponsored regional events, including event agreements and risk management. To provide club support for regional organisers as needed. To coordinate with Halsway Manor on tutors, program and Nonsuch support for Halsway Dulcimer Week...

  • Committee Member

    The committee is the group that runs the club day to day, reporting to the trustees.

  • President

    To act as an ambassador for the club and provide leadership in the overall direction and running of the club.

  • Minutes Secretary

    To write and circulate minutes of committee meetings, the AGM and any other general meetings of the club. To liaise with the chair over the content of the agendas of such meetings.

  • Newsletter Editor

    To collate and commission articles sent in by members and prepare the newsletter in a form suitable for electronic distribution and printing, arrange for the printing and pass to the distribution team.

  • Loan Instrument Accounts Record Keeper

    Maintain a record of instrument loans, loan payments and deposits made. Remind those loaning an instrument when payments are due.

  • Newsletter by Post Organiser

    This role is produce labels for all members wanting hard copies of the Nonsuch Newsletter or other postal mailings and then to prepare and post out the mailings.

  • Book-Keeper

    To maintain financial records, monitor income and expenditure and prepare accounts for approval.

  • Trustee

    The role of a charity trustee is to ensure the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit, comply with the charity’s governing document and the law, act in the charity’s best interests, manage the charity’s resources responsibly, act with reasonable care and skill, ensure the charity is accountable ...