Following on from the successful Zoom sessions we set up during the days of lockdown we have amalgamated the “drop in” music sessions run by Hilary Davies, the “Northern” Sessions run the Chris Nash and Chris Fitt and the “Slow Jam” run by Pete Bromwich. These new sessions will be hosted by either Hilary Davies, Chris Fitt, Sandie Hudson or Chris Nash and will take place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 15:00 to 17:00 UK time.
During these sessions, we will have a chance to chat, and also to play music by taking it in turns to “lead” the session with only the leader’s microphone enabled and the rest muted. As usual with Zoom sessions everyone joins in together, though we can only hear the leader – it does work, and you can confidently experiment with backups and variations, etc without anyone hearing you. Different but still fun.
The first half hour of the session will concentrate on a few well-known relatively simple tunes that will give our less experienced members the chance to learn or improve their playing; more experienced players might use the opportunity to “play around” with the tune, improvising etc. These tunes can be found on Pete’s website, Dulcimer Heaven, click here.
The remaining time reverts to the original session format. Players may send in (to the session organiser) tunes they would be happy to lead, providing the music if it is a new tune, or perhaps choosing from an enormous bank of tunes that we will provided in Dropbox.
If you are new to zoom sessions in general, Click here for advice for how to participate.
To join the list and get the monthly invitation, to leave the list, or for any other queries please click here.
Forthcoming dates:
- January 14th – Hilary Davies
- February 11th – Ken and Sandie Hudson
- March 11th – Chris Nash
- April 8th – Chris Fitt
- May13th – Hilary Davies
- June 10th – Ken and Sandie Hudson
- July 8th – Chris Fitt